Hebron Food Pantry
Serving the Community
Important Needs:
- juice (bottles and juice boxes),
- Snack items for lunch boxes (cookies, crackers, granola bars, chips, fruit cups)
- Condiments (ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise, etc),
- Canned fruit, canned soups, canned pastas (Spaghettios)
- Brownie mixes,
- Cake mixes
- Paper products: toilet paper and paper towels
- Health and beauty items
- Shampoo,
- Toothpaste
- Soap
Address: 11 Sanford Street, Attleboro, MA
Hebron Food Pantry operates the two largest food pantries in the Attleboro area, the Working Person's Food Pantry and the Senior's Food Pantry. The food pantry began in the former Hebbronville Methodist Church in 1999 and moved to its present location on Sanford Street in the basement of Centenary United Methodist Church in 2006. Since moving to downtown Attleboro, and partly due to the effects of the economic recession, Hebron has seen the use of both pantries double in the last five years. We now serve over 275 individuals and families each and every week. Hebron is unique, operating the only Working Person's Pantry specifically targeting working people in Massachusetts. The only requirement is that you be working or collecting unemployment. Our Senior's Pantry is open to anyone over age 60. Clients are allowed to "shop" for the foods they need, filling a box that will hold roughly two to three days food. Clients are allowed to shop every week as long as they remain eligible. Hebron Food Pantry is a non-profit corporation, run by a volunteer board of directors and one paid Director. The vast majority of the work - picking up food from local stores and the Greater Boston Food Bank, unloading and storing food, stocking shelves, running the food pantry during the hours of operation, cleaning up afterwards - is all done by a group of over 100 volunteers. These dedicated folks put in countless hours of their own time to ensure that Hebron is there for our clients, week in and week out. Our Mission is to assist low income working persons and seniors within the Greater Attleboro area by providing resources to reduce food insecurity and enhance their quality of life.